DRM buses have 7% fuel saving in the first 3 weeks!
Cutting Fuel Costs
DRM bus company of Bromyard have seen a reduction in their fuel costs by over 7% in just 3 weeks by using EF10, a fuel enhancer.
DRM voted small bus operator of the year in 2010 decided to use EF10 because it has no additives and cuts all of their exhaust emissions, so helping the environment, as well as saving on fuel costs.
Paul Widdowson supplier of EF10 said that the fuel economy should continue to improve as many bus operators achieve up to 10% improvement in MPG.
Other benefits include protection of EGR’s, injector’s. catalytic converters as EF10 provides a more complete combustion and compensates for the lost lubrication in modern fuels.
All of EF10’s claims are based on 30 years of extensive field and scientific tests.